The initial fee covers the setup of your agency and schemes as well as training on the functionalities of the various features and modules, in BCMTrac.
2 - 5 users
R150 each, per month
6 - 10 users
R125 each, per month
11+ users
R100 each, per month
Unit Transaction Fee - R3.50 per unit, per month, based on the number of units in the scheme. This is NOT a per invoice fee.
The initial fee covers the setup of your scheme and training on the functionalities of the various features and modules, in BCMTrac.
2 - 5 users
R150 each, per month
6 - 10 users
R125 each, per month
11+ users
R100 each, per month
Unit Transaction Fee - R5.00 per unit, per month, based on the number of units in the scheme. This is NOT a per invoice fee.
Hourly rate as stated above, pro rata per half hour
Hourly rate as stated above, pro rata per half hour
R0.60 per credit
R0.55 per credit
1000 +
R0.50 per credit